The world has eradicated smallpox by vaccination & we in india are on verge of polio eradication only by vaccinations still some parents remain unconvinced about the importance of immunizations. Yes, it’s true that no vaccine has a record of 100% effectiveness. But depending on the study being cited, childhood vaccines are 85% to 98% effective. That’s a remarkable track record, particularly when you take into account the serious nature of many of these life threatening infections.
When you have an opportunity to give your child up to a 98% chance of avoiding a disease like chickenpox that can lead to dehydration or pneumonia or a serious illness like whooping cough that can cause seizures, brain disease, and death, that’s a convincing reason to vaccinate.
A few parents are unaware that the initial shots need to be given in the early days and weeks of infancy. Other parents have made a conscious decision to avoid having their child vaccinated, believing one myth or another about the safety of immunizations.
But when children are not immunized, the results can be devastating. Each year lakhs of children become seriously ill with diseases that could have been prevented with proper immunizations. Immunizations are among the most effective medical interventions of all time. Short of basic sanitation and nutrition, no medical intervention has done more to save lives and prevent disease than immunizations.
Immunizations are the cornerstone of preventive health, and we believes strongly that every child needs and deserves the protection that immunizations provide.
The recommended schedule of immunizations has been researched and documented to be the most effective and safe way to protect children. The vaccines are carefully timed to provide protection when children are most vulnerable, and when the vaccines will produce the strongest response from the child's immune system Each vaccine dose is scheduled using 2 factors. First, it is scheduled for the age when the body’s immune system will work the best. Second, it is balanced with the need to provide protection to infants and children at the earliest possible age
you would not want your child to go unprotected that long. Babies are hospitalized and die more often from some diseases, so it is important to vaccinate them as soon as it is safe. Second, the recommended schedule is designed to work best with a child’s immune system at certain ages and at specific times.
We all have enough worries in our lives. Let's give ourselves the peace of mind that we have done everything we can to protect our children from these preventable diseases.
Infants and children are exposed to many germs every day just by playing, eating, and breathing. Their immune systems fight those germs, also called antigens, to keep the body healthy. The amount of antigens that children fight every day (2,000-6,000) is much more than the antigens in any combination of vaccines on the current schedule (150 for the whole schedule). So children’s immune systems are not overwhelmed by vaccines.
Before a vaccine is ever approved and licensed, it goes through years of testing for safety and effectiveness. Neither the Indian academy of pediatric nor government agencies would recommend a vaccine that had not passed the tests for safety and effectiveness. Of course, no vaccine or medicine is perfect. Some boys and girls who are immunized will experience reactions. Fortunately, if it occur ( 1 in millions ), most are mild and short lived ( few hours ). Your child may experience redness, pain, or swelling at the site of the injection. She may develop a slight fever. After a few days, however, these minor symptoms will disappear, with no lasting effects.
The safety of vaccines is always being monitored.